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2005, dokumentarni, DV, color, 15 minuta
scenarist i redatelj: Irena Škorić
snimatelj: Vinko Kovačić
montažer: Vinko Kovačić
Dokumentarni film Vatra, voda, brašno dobio je prvu nagradu za najbolji ekološki film na Međunarodnom festivalu dokumentarnog filma 'European environmental and arts festival' u Škotskoj 2007.
In this documentary cooking the loaves in centuries-old oven with a lot of people participating is not just a simple action but something far beyond that. The artists, professors, musicians, arhitects and students all put their normal lives aside and give themselves to the magic of seaside life.
2005 Gastro film festival, Osijek, Croatia - 1st prize
2007 European environmental and arts festival, Scotland - 1st prize
2007 Eco-etno-folk festival, Bucurest, Romania, - special jury prize