English title: FAREWELL
French title: ADIEU
Croatian title:
Short fiction film
12 minutes, 2008, CROATIA, color, 16 mm
Production Company: Academy of Dramatic Art (ADU) in Zagreb, Croatia, www.adu.hr
Director and screenwriter: Irena Skoric
Director of photography: Bojana Burnac
Editing: Borna Buljevic
Sound mix: Vedran Stefan
Music composer: Pere Istvancic

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Actors: Ivan Brkic, Asim Ugljen

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A "Zastava 101" car was one of the symbols of socialism and Yugoslavia, the country which was destroyed in war. Many years later in the independent Croatia father and son are going on a trip in their old ex-Yugoslav car - Zastava 101. Sometimes it's hard to say goodbye. Goodbye to people and things they loved, and the ex- country in that they lived.
Le pere et le fils partent en voyage avec leur vieux voiture ex Yougoslave - Zastava 101. Parfois, il est difficile de dire adieu...
