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Short fiction, 22 minutes
Croatia, 2011, HD, color, stereo
Cast: Ivan Brkic, Asim Ugljen, Slaven Knezovic, Irena Skoriæ, Hrvoje Keckes, Sinisa Ruzic, Marinko Les
Screenwriter and director: Irena Skoric
Director of photography: Raul Brzic
Editing: Veljko Segaric
Music: Pere Istvancic

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Farewell, a short fiction fim has visited all the continents, a lot of film festivals and won a lot of awards. Farewell 2 is auto-ironic comment on blockbusters' sequels. It takes place one morning, when protagonists of Farewell, father /Ivan Brkic/ and his son /Asim Ugljen/, are going on a film set where the filming of the sequel is about to start. They are not the only ones who are waiting for the film crew - the film's director /Irena Skoric/ is waiting too, in front of her building where they should pick her up. What happens to the actors and the director, and will there even be a sequel? See this bitter film comedy to find out.

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